The leaders of these companies have entered into a "compliance agreement" with the Election Commissioner in which they publicly ...
The leaders of these companies have entered into a "compliance agreement" with the Election Commissioner in which they publicly admit to having made illegal donations and promise to enforce the prohibition of corporate contributions in the future.

This admission of liability does not constitute a criminal conviction by a court, and does not create a criminal record.
Peter Penashue elected Conservative MP for Labrador, resigned in 2013 following allegations that he accepted illegal corporate donations and discounts on air tickets.
He put his fate in the hands of the population in a by-election, which he lost.
Red Bowers, his official election agent in 2011, has since been charged with three counts of accepting illegal corporate contributions, a sprained Canada Elections Act.
Mr. Penashue described Mr. Bowers as "inexperienced volunteer."
Compliance agreements were published Friday in the Canada Gazette, the official publication of the government.
Air Labrador directors, Dee-Max Tautshuap Innu, Innu-Chiasson Construction Kakatshu Construction, Sales and Labrador NE Parrott Surveys admitted having asked their respective companies to hand over $ 1,000 to the campaign of a politician.
The CEO of Pennecon for his part, admitted that six of its leaders were involved in sending a check for $ 5,500 from the company.
Under the Canada Elections Act, "it is forbidden for any person or entity, other than an individual - citizen or permanent resident as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Act on Immigration and Refugee Protection - , to make a contribution to a registered party, a registered association, a nomination contestant, a candidate or a leadership contestant. "
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