Some of Roger Federer’s biggest—and youngest—fans are probably too tiny to know about his victories on the tennis court, and too touched ...
Some of Roger Federer’s biggest—and youngest—fans are probably too tiny to know about his victories on the tennis court, and too touched by poverty to care much.

They just know he’s the man behind the creation of preschools across southern Africa where now are learning and growing healthy, with a hearty meal every day.
They were thrilled recently when the tennis great came to visit them for the first time, in celebration of the tenth anniversary of his Roger Federer Foundation.
The 34 year-old Swiss athlete has funded the building of schools for years, like this one in the video located in Malawi. He spent the day at the preschool visiting, sitting in classes, helping cook and serve lunch, and hanging out with the kids on their playground.
The early childhood centers are scattered throughout six countries, with more than 50 preschools in Malawi alone.
“I’m so happy and emotional that I can see a preschool of this quality here–it’s quite extraordinary,” said Federer during his visit. ”The community is so committed to helping the kids, its so important (as) the foundation for learning.”
To date, the Roger Federer Foundation has spent $13 million over the past decade, touching the lives of more than 285,000 children. With renewed focus and the involvement of local teachers and NGOs, it plans to be feeding and teaching one million kids by 2018.
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